This morning long time Trump associate, confidant and co-conspirator Roger Stone was arrested at his Fort Lauderdale home. CNN just “happened” to be there at the crack of dawn to document this monumental event in American history. Although, the real story is the irrefutable evidence of the Deep state.
The Grim News Reaper has uncovered just how CNN “happened” to be there. Multiple sources from within the State Department and the FBI have confirmed to GNR that CNN was tipped off by investigators who have a deep hatred for President Donald Trump. They also indicated that they would do anything to preserve the Deep State and the man behind the curtain.

That’s right the Deep State is being run by a man, not a woman. That man is currently hiding behind a curtain in a small suburban home just outside of Richmond Virginia. Supposedly that man is determined to send a message to President Trump. One source said, “The man behind the curtain wants Trump to know that he knows before Trump knows and there is no way for Trump to know what he knows or when or how he knows it. He can tip off the media arm of the Deep State anytime he wants.”
The Faux News Guild (FNG) has announced that CNN is entitled to the “Johnny on the Spot” Award regardless of how they obtained the information. Pierre Paul Ron of the FNG said, “It doesn’t matter if CNN was tipped off by the Deep State or not, they were first to report, that means they deserve credit for being an awesome news source.”

Pierre also said, “The Johnny on the Spot award is given to the news organization that reports something before anyone else, that’s really all we consider.”
President Trump tweeted that he is aware of the man behind the curtain and that once located, ICBMs, SLBMs and strategic bombers could all be deployed. The overall message, all options are on the table. He said other than CNN he considers the Deep State the greatest threat to the American people. Quote, “The enemies of the American people in numerical order are, CNN one, Deep State two.”

The Grim News Reaper is intended for a mature audience.