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Welcome, thanks for checking out The Grim News Reaper. The objective of this publication is to entertain you. To do that you must be able to laugh at yourself. We will make fun of you. We make fun of everyone. This is where I say, we even make fun of ourselves.

Today the news has taken a strange turn. The most stereotyped entity ever, the news is often discussed in extremely broad terms. So much so that publications like this often get referred to or even confused for the news. This could not be farther from the truth. This publication is a series of sentences streamed together to keep you reading long enough for us to monetize you. Like The Wall Street Journal or The New York Times.

We’re the whore, you’re the John, please keep reading. If you don’t like that analogy, stop reading, start writing and you can be the whore and we can be the John. The important thing is everybody benefits and somebody wears a condom.

Now, for those still with me, I hope you enjoy the musings of our writers. We will not avoid controversy. We will test your sensibilities. We are all about the 1st amendment! However, we will never mislead you, deceive you or otherwise do you harm. Unless you can’t take a joke and then there’s a good chance that we’ll piss you off. So, scratch that, if you take yourself too seriously you may feel misled, deceived and harmed. Also, we will make shit up if we think it’s funny or otherwise significant to a satirical story line. So be like you should be everywhere, reader beware!

Thanks Again,

Meet the Team

Diverse, Unique and Opinionated!

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Editor at Large

Founder & CEO


Head Writer

Vice President


Reproduction Expert

Makes copies